Sunday, December 7, 2008


I just turned eighteenth. I have breathed for eighteen years. Every second, every minute, without failure. Yet, I wonder. I wonder why, why should I breathe? Why should I live in this world? Hey, please do not misunderstand what I mean here. What I am trying to say is, what should I do and what should I achieve in my life?

Some may says that they want the best. The best education, for example. They (and perhaps, I) want to study overseas, wish to get admissions into the best university in the world or state, later on, get a nice good job where we can just work less and earn more, find a loveable one whom we love, get married, organise our own sweet family, have one or two or perhaps, a football team of children, educate them, provide them with the best… The circle of life continues. With generations followed by generations.

So, again, what is the aim of living in this world? Are we suppose to just follow the circle of life and lead a normal life that normal people leads? Or is that what we called ‘success’ when we achieve some extraordinary ‘successes’ that ordinary people cannot do? I need a plan. No, I need to know what His plan in my life is. We planned, but He decides. So, the best thing is, to get to know what is actually the perfect plan that he has already planned for me, to be fulfilled and achieved and thus, brings all the goodness to people around me.

Thank God. I got the chance to visit Jiamin for our 18th birthdays. Thank God for trees. I love tree. I love Malacca. There is where we met. A bench under a big tree in Malacca. We should re-visit the place. I slept over at her place yesterday. We went out for dinner together with her family, which consisted of her 2 brothers and mom. Her younger brother is really funny!! Talkative and active. Hey, he can REALLY talk, NON-STOP…Lolz. This was for the first time I visited her house. Her mom is nice and like usual aunty, keeps on taking and re-takes veggies for me throughout the dinner. Haha! I was really FULL.

Long long vegies^^

What were we talking about? Funny huh??


Thank God for everything. We got the chance to just sit and chat. We talked and we shared. About our lives, our dreams, and we talked about ‘plan’ and ‘faith’. She inspires me. The Lord’s words touched me. Abraham - The Father of Faith. Abraham answered the Lord immediately when he was called. He was willing to sacrifice, even his own beloved son; believing in God’s will.

‘Here I am’

It’s a simple sentence. Yet, who can really say it to what it means?

I prayed. We prayed. That God will reveal to us his wills and plans to us.

Praying hands.
Love never fails.

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